Making Me Watch Movies

EP 158 - Longlegs - Directed by Oz Perkins

Anthony, Jake, and Matt

Welcome to Making ME Watch Movies, the movie review podcast where your best friends Anthony, Jake, and Matt dive deep into the latest cinematic releases as well as some old ones. In today's episode, we're dissecting the new thriller, LONGLEGS, directed by the talented Oz Perkins. Known for his unique and atmospheric style, Perkins delivers another chilling experience with this film.

Longlegs follows the story of a troubled detective, played by Maika Monroe, who is drawn into a labyrinthine investigation after a series of gruesome murders. As she delves deeper, she uncovers dark secrets and faces her own demons, leading to a gripping and eerie climax. Nick Cage delivers a haunting performance as Longlegs, the enigmatic and sinister figure at the heart of the mystery.

Join us as we explore the film's plot twists, character development, and standout moments. Whether you're a casual moviegoer or a hardcore film buff, our in-depth analysis will give you a fresh perspective on this highly anticipated release. So grab your popcorn and settle in, because the movie were making you watch today is, LONGLEGS!

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“Welcome back to Making ME Watch Movies. It's Friday, July 12th, and Longlegs comes out today.


Longlegs, directed by... Who is it again? Directed by Jake...

Ozgood Perkins, the son of Anthony Perkins, fun fact. The guy who's...

Oh, of Psycho? Norman Bates.

I just found that out, I think, today, that he's the son of...

I just found that out just now when you said that. Yeah, I didn't even think about that.

And then I've seen this picture, and I'm like, that makes sense, I see it.

Ozgood Perkins, dude.

So the dude...

Sounds like it should look like a penguin.

Dude knows horror.

He's made another pretty good movie called The Black Coat's Daughter that I enjoyed. That was a fun one. It wasn't the best, but it was definitely a cool cult movie.

I wanna see it now. I saw one of his others called something like The Pretty Thing That Lives Here or something.

I didn't see that.

“That was, I saw it years ago, I don't remember very well. I remember it being pretty good, but I think it was like, I wasn't into the ending. But other than that, I remember it being like a well-crafted horror film.

Yeah, right on.

Maybe people could say that about Longlegs.

How do you guys feel?

Why don't you say you're haiku about Longlegs, Jacob? I didn't mean to be so aggressive about it.

I think Jake froze. I'll say mine. Say yours.

Say yours. What say you?

Did it freeze? Am I frozen?

Yeah, you are slowly coming back.

You're back. You're back.

I'm back. Yeah.

Haiku, what's up, boy?

I froze my haiku.

Your haiku was so good, it froze the internet, dude.

The Wi-Fi couldn't take the beauty.

Hit me with it.

You definitely froze again. Anthony, just start your haiku.

Here's my haiku for Longlegs, children's birthdays near, cage haunts, devilish cheer, Longlegs webs of fear. Didn't have to rhyme, but it does. Well, you like the rhyme, the rhyme's fear.

I like that. All right. I didn't write a haiku, but if I did, it probably would have been just as good“, but I like that one.

You don't like Longlegs webs of fear?

No, that's great. It was a great one. It was awesome.

Sorry, I did not hear any fucking haiku.

You're gonna have to listen to this episode. Yeah, you don't get to hear his haiku, but you get to hear it if you did not. Yeah, I didn't hear shit about what you said, but you're back.

All right, I'm back. Sorry about that.

Jake's haiku, 2022, Longlegs, Oswald Cobble Pop.

Here we go. Pure dread, discomfort. This is what horror should be, satanic surprise.

Hail Satan.

All right, hail Satan.

Hail Satan, hail Satan.

Hail Satan.

What was your podcast, or not podcast, haiku?

You want me to do it again?

Let's do it again.

It's okay, let's do it again.

It's only like 15 seconds, people will deal with it.

All right, fine.

Children's birthdays near. Age haunts. Devilish cheer.

Longlegs webs of fear.

Don't act like you're not impressed.

Are you not entertained?

That's a weird one. Yeah, because he's not- It makes me think about spiders, which it's not like there was anything to do with spiders, but it makes me think of spiders

“No, no.

But it was fun, it was fun, haiku.

It's a play on words, dude. It's called Longlegs, and I threw in a spider reference. They're playing with words.

It's word play.

Come on, dude, you ever play with words, Jake?

I play with words.

I know there's no spiders in it.

It just makes me think of spiders, and then that freaks me out.

I mean, his name's Longlegs. That's Daddy Longlegs. Of course it makes you think of spiders.

That makes you, I think it makes you think of all creepy things. I think that's why he named it this.

Now this is a brand new bad guy, right? It's a brand new scary, scary dude.

Yeah, this is a new scary guy.

This is not a remake of anything. This is not a Candyman ripoff.

No, all fresh.

This is Ozgood Perkins Spech.

Yo, dude, Perks made a fucking new, like, classic bad guy.

The bad guy's dead, apparently.

Yeah, but there's gonna be prequels and stoquels and triquels, and you're gonna take a Nyquil and you're gonna forget about that. He's gonna be back.

“Listen, I am kind of mixed on this movie in that I love what it's about, which is a FBI profiler slash field agent who has a touch of being able to sense things and read the situation, you know what I mean? Like, she's a little clairvoyant in a way. It's got me and Goth, in a way.

And that's fun. And that's fun. Like, that's cool.

That's actually something you've never really seen before in a lot of ways, which is cool.

So like one of the first things we see is she goes up to like a row of houses and maybe I'm going too far in, but she with her partner and they're looking for something we don't know. And she's just like, it's that.

Looking for someone.

And he's like, how do you know? And she's just like, how fucking do we know why she knows?

It's the devil's work.

Well, she, she just, I guess he was because she was touched. Well, she has it, a natural ability, I guess. And they, they use it to their advantage by putting her on a case that they've not been able to solve for 30 years

“You know, it's kind of like troll people in border. Yeah, a little bit. What I liked about this movie was the dread that it, that it, the atmosphere of dread that it had.

And I thought the framing was cool and that it used a lot of wide lenses and upload spots so that like the surroundings would be scary to you. Like, why the fuck is that door frame there? Is someone gonna come into that door frame and all that kind of shit?

It opens up in 4-3 in that scene. Does that whole first scene play out in 4-3 or does it immediately?

I think it does. I think it does during the credits.

First scene is crazy. Into credits, because it's basically all of her flashbacks, we learned this later that these are flashbacks, are in the 4-3.

“Yeah, super cool.

The first scene is cool.

I just saw Maxine. I went into this, excuse me, I went into this movie and I saw 4-3 and I was like, damn, another fucking period looking movie. And then, I don't know if it was immediate, but very quickly it slowly widened out and I was like, all right, cool, cool.

Yeah, it was during the credits.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That first scene, creepy, fucking creepy.

Yeah, super creepy.

That whole drive up, it reminded me of it early on, him kind of luring the kid over and just keeping him on a frame. And the marketing of never showing him was fucking genius, by the way.

Well, they showed him in the very first scene.

No, I'm saying in that scene, in the marketing for the movie, like we never knew what it was like going into the movie.

I didn't know shit about shit about this movie. I didn't know shit about fuck, as Ruthie says in Ozark.


I certainly didn't know it was him in the first scene. I just saw the creepy old lady. I kind of thought it was the old lady.

“And I was like, what the fuck is it? And then we don't see him again. And it was like a little bit of the way through of the first...

Is this... Do they have chapters in it? Yeah, the first chapter, the first part, I was like...

I think you sent a picture of him and you were like, he is Nick. And then it all clicked to me. I was like, was that fucking Nick?

And then I heard the voice. The voice got me on the phone, I think. I was like, oh, fuck, that was Nick Cage.

And I wish I... But immediately, I did not know. I did not realize who that was.

Because they just keep him just out of his face, he's cut off at his nose or mouth. You can see he's wearing weird makeup, but you don't see the full face. As he kind of dips, he leans in to talk to the girl, and then it cuts away.

“So you can see a flash of, just for a second, you see his face.

Even with the makeup on, though, it doesn't look like Nick Cage at all. It's only from the profile that you can kind of tell. But dead on, I don't see it at all, which I think is great.

Especially those earlier ones looked more like him when it showed him more whatever would have been the main time of that movie, would have been the 90s. He looked all like old and haggard. They would randomly show him when he was younger, he looked a little bit more, still fucking nuts, but more along the lines of a little more normal Cage face.

Just with the weird makeup on.

What a fucking creep.

“So yeah, we see him like, we get our first glimpse of Longlegs in the first five minutes of it with, do we know that that's her?

We don't know that's her at the time. We don't know, we don't know.

It cuts to her straight from being a kid though, to being an adult, doesn't it?

No, it goes, that's the credit scene. And then you saw it.

I feel like it did not, I feel like it did not surprise me.

I don't think it was surprising.

Although no, cause when she was like, she was like, it was at her birthday. I think I did remember being like, oh fuck, that was her in the beginning.

Yeah, you figured it out in that scene where the detective tells her that her mother called about like an intruder at some point. And then once she goes to the house, you can see the staircase is the same staircase.

But I'm gonna be honest, I did not like this movie when I watched it. The whole time I was like, as I was watching, I certainly didn't like it. I didn't know what the fuck was going on.

I didn't know how that, I was like, they better sum this shit up in a decent way. And they did.

You scared? Spooked? Spooky?

I liked, I think like what, whoa, I think I just went out. I liked what Schwartz was saying is in that, what'd you say, you liked the dread of it? You liked like the tension.

It was very Silence of the Lambs, not only like in how the storyline was almost exactly like Silence of the Lambs in that it's like an unexperienced or kind of newish rookie FBI female with her partner and they're trying to figure shit out and she's got a fucking handle on it and then the old partner doesn't, like he's impressed by whatever, it very much starts Silence of the Lambs, but it had that feel too. It definitely had that feel of Silence of the Lambs. I don't know who I would compare Nick Cage to.

Is he Hannibal or is he more of like the-

He's a little more Buffalo Bill.

Buffalo Billy character.

He's the serial killer on the haunt, kind of like the weird, effeminate, strange shit that he does. But really it doesn't, it's not, he's not like either one. They're all pretty unique.

He was the one, should we start? Should we like creep in a little more?

You're right. I see what you're saying. Like kind of, he wasn't exactly the one doing it, but he was like the key player.

I don't know, was he? He was doing it.

I don't know. He was.

I don't know. It doesn't matter. The fact is, the feeling, like it was very Silence of the Lambs.

Very dreadful. Like the heavy dread, even like hereditary vibe of like, something bad is going to happen at any moment.

I wasn't spooked by it, but I did like that. I liked that. But I think now I'm thinking about it, and now I'm thinking, I like that actually.

But I think while I was watching it, I didn't. I was just kind of like weird out by it. And then when we saw like Nick Cage, when he like comes in, I was just kind of like, I don't know, maybe I was a little over the top.

I don't know. Which it was. But like really, if I think back on it, it's kind of like in the most perfect ways for Nick Cage to do.

So anyway, I didn't like it when I watched it. Upon reflection, as most movies go for like a lot of times, I think I fucking love this movie.

What I did like about it is that it starts out rooted in a lot of the core, like you said, like tropes of movies we've seen before in this situation of like she's the new person who's got something good that they're using her for, and she gotta try to catch this uncatchable person, and she gotta do the stuff, the mystery. But when it starts unfolding as to the quote unquote, I mean, we're already getting into it. So the powers that she has and how she's connected to this guy, that's when it got really, really, that's to me when it got interesting.

I was like, oh, okay, well, that's pretty cool. I haven't seen that aspect in any serial killer movie before to where the killer and our main character happens to be the good guy who's trying to stop the killer have such a strong connection in that way. Like I guess Hannibal Lecter and Cree Starling had a good connection, but it was a total different thing.

It was almost like she respected him and he was kind of respected the fact that she's probably smarter than most people he's dealt with, but he also has probably watched the fucker a little bit too. But he also, like whatever that is, you know what I mean? This is not that.

This is like totally different than that, which is good, which is really good.

Yeah. And I almost think that they didn't have enough of that because that'd be my only complaint. I really like this movie.

They seem to, they got to that point and it was like very quick, quickly wrapped up and over by the time, like that whole connection and power shit was like established.

Sure. But it was slowly shown through the whole movie. Like every time I think she would look behind her and hear a creak or anytime there would be a wide shot and show darkness in her room is like, the darkness has always been with her.

Like the entity has always been there.

The horned shadow figure.

Yeah, that shit. And even just shadows behind her. I think that was all just to show that like, she is part of this, like she's a good guy living in the same mind as a Magna Walker.

Yeah, basically.

But a good person, you know? She got like one foot on each side.

Yeah, exactly.


Oh, that makes sense.

Which I didn't.

Just she was cause of the tism.

Yeah, 1 guess she just happened.

Whatever that ball was, was controlling her. The ball and the doll had some sort of weird control over them, though, cause it was a little fucking satanic black magic. All that shit was wild.

That's the thing. I wish that was like almost explained more, cause they kind of like breezed through it, then it was over and it was like, damn, that was like the ending.

There's got to be more. There's got to be more movies. There's going to be more Longlegs movies.

I would love an early, like the origins of Longlegs would be fucking great, cause like him getting in this, cause it didn't really explain how it got into the Satanism. It didn't really get into it that much. It just kind of like showed it and was done.

Longleg probably a billion years old. He probably knew Satan, dude.

Like it's funny. He was Satan's roommate. I feel like a common complaint we get to is the movies are too long.

This one wasn't long enough. I think this could have been like benefit from like another like 15 minutes or so, 10, 20, something like that, you know? Like if this was closer to because it was one hour 40, I think.

If this was closer to two, I think it could have filled in some gaps.

What would you want to see?

I think a little bit more of that, the development of the Satan shit at the end, like the magic and all that, because that was kind of like just quickly explained. Like that whole thing with the mom, with the mom shit was like very much like she just get a voiceover and that was it. I wish they like, they would have flushed that out a little bit more.

The whole thing about him being downstairs the whole time, that blew my fucking mind.

Yeah, that was weird.

That was the scariest part of the whole movie to me is the fact that, well, should we just say it now? Yeah, all right, whatever.

Let's go.

He was in the mom's basement the whole time. He's the man downstairs. That's why he kept saying that.

Everybody thought he was talking about Lucifer. He was in her fucking basement the whole time, the whole goddamn time.

That's terrifying.

Making the dolls down there, putting the fucking orbs in them.

That shit's terrifying.

Yeah, because there was the part early on where she visits her mom, and there's that door that was locked. And then she didn't remember clearly why it was there because she's got the whole fucking memory thing. And then later she woke up down there.

And was at the house. Yeah.

And then you realize that he made a doll for her and has been controlling her this whole time.

We gotta talk about these dolls. Like, what are we gotta go, we gotta do it. So who, where do we see the first doll?

Who's got the first doll?

Maybe we should go through the movie first. All right, who's doing it now?

Who's got the best recollection? I got it. I saw it twice.

You started.

So we started out with, we already got to that part where like the girl was in her upstairs room, looks out the window, sees a car pull up. She walks out with the camera. Very ominous, creepy scene.

You hear the cuckoo off in the distance. She turned around, walks over, the little shots, like her looking around, that are like all like the sharp stab noises when she looks in either direction.

Then suddenly, boom, creepy bitch looking thing, looking like a creepy woman in front of her, but it turned out to be Nicolas Cage.

And essentially that's just, I think at that point he's just like, what's, it's your birthday, little girl. And I have a gift for you, something along those lines. And then we get the opening credits.

And he's like, full Cage, like, oh my God, I love you.

Over the top.


I hated some of the stuff he said in this movie, to be honest, but I looked past it. Like, when he was in the car and he was screaming to himself, like I hated that. It was a little cliche to me.

It was a little cliche to me.

Cause he just showed his fucking hysteria.

That's when it sounded like Nicolas Cage was playing in the movie though, it was that moment.

Yeah, he had to have his Cage moment, it was great.

It was so cagey. Anyway, keep going, keep going.

And then from that, we meet our main character, Harkin is her name, Lee Harkin.

It's Larice Stark.

She's on an assignment that her and some other dude are kind of like canvassing a neighborhood, looking for some, we don't know that it's a different serial killer yet, but we think kind of psychologically that she's looking for this guy. But she looks at a house, this part's kind of a little weird that, cause she just kind of looks at a house. She's very awkward.

Real quick though, the way they shot this was pretty great. The wide shot, her in the car and the camera, moves with her head, looking towards the other house and it follows her. And then she cuts back to just the shot of the window that she describes and she goes, she gets out of the car, looks out, she goes, this one with the whatever type of window he's in there.

And he goes, how the fuck do you know? She's like, I don't know, call it in. And he's like, well, I'm not gonna call it in for a hunch, but I'll go check it out.

And then boom, she gets shot in the fucking face. That was pretty great, pretty great turn of events.

Yeah, pretty quickly. That was pretty cool.

I liked how that went down.

Yeah, like both those first two scenes were like, holy shit, holy shit, like it was a fucking, I really loved how this movie started.

Super eerie, super just thriller-esque. And then she goes into the house, and then this is a really good-

See the chill over?

Tension, yeah, good tense moment of all the plastic wrap, all over the walls, fans blowing everywhere. And then she goes up the stairs, there's a dude just on a bed, and he kind of-

Just waiting for her.

And then what? I think from there, she goes into this weird testing thing of like, what are these images? Come to mind.

And then she has to guess a series of numbers.

This is where the movie gets really interesting, because you're like, what the fuck is she doing? Why is she doing this? This is the weirdest thing ever.

Psychic people are a common thing in this little, because that's what that was.

It must help. And their FBI, I think maybe the FBI must have some sort of clairvoyancy tests or something. I don't know.

It seems like-

Well, they said they asked her 20 questions, and she got, and she guessed it. She asked her 20 times, what are two numbers they'r thinking of between one and a hundred, a specific number, and she got half of them right. And I think that's like, why would that that's insane to get half of them right.

Yeah, it's crazy.

He said being half psychic is better than being not psychic.

Exactly, exactly.

So being psychic is like a thing in this universe. Is it, I mean, or do you think this is modern? Do you think this is just how FBI works today?

I think that, I don't think it's supposed to be that like, she's a superhero.

This is also in the 90s, by the way. I mean, I don't know if that really matters with the question we were asking, but this is a mess.

I don't think that she's supposed to be a superhero.

I think that the FBI uses anything that they can to help them and do things. And if they think that she can somehow help them, they'll ask her, you know what I mean? That's just how it is.

Now this is a little off there and a little out there, but wasn't there an episode of South Park where he was acting, or was it Butters?

They hire Butters, because they think Butters is clairvoyant, or is it Cartman? They think Cartman is clairvoyant, and it's like the police department or detective agency like hires one of them to like solve crimes.

And then Cartman keeps doing it for real. Butters is doing it for real, and then Cartman starts being like, I'm gonna start doing it too. He's like, I have a vision now, and then everyone starts doing it.

So that must have been like a thing that some FBI or some agencies did. Maybe they did this in the 90s a little bit. Maybe they relied more a little bit on that before DNA evidence came into play.

I don't know. Maybe. Anything helps.


Remember there was no DNA evidence without DNA evidence.

They said that in this movie.

Maybe they rely on clairvoyancy before they had the DNA evidence.

Okay, so here. Here's a paper by William J. Smitty.

The use of psychics in homicide and missing persons investigations. So article discusses the uses and successes of psychic detectives in high profile homicide and missing persons investigation. A review of relevant literature compares and blah, blah, blah.

So it's a real thing. It has stories from 1983 about a murder of poly class. Psychic came in with a discussion, and they fucking found her.

These are all like success stories, and these are in this 89, 1979, okay.

Yeah, it seems like especially that era before like technology. It's like, what do we got?

Like right after acid.

They're gonna go with anything they can use.

They didn't have fucking computers or cell phones back then.

Why not use some bitch that could possibly tell the future? You know what?

You believe that shit though? You think she could?

Nah, I don't know. I mean, she seemed like she could in the movie. I don't believe in Satan, but he fucking won kind of in the movie.

Not really, but it's in this movie and I fucking liked it. So because of this test, because of all this shit, she got reassigned to this other job and we meet her new partner Carter. He's this older black gentleman and this other lady.

They tell her about this other chain of murders that always involves a family, always involves a father who commits a murder-suicide situation, and they always find these letters. It's just randomly.

Do they know it's always the father? They just know that it's...

Yeah, I guess it's usually the father.

With a shotgun.

No, it's shotgun and knives.

There's never any forced entry. It's always like a murder-suicide, but it's always like crazy, yeah, under a shotgun.

And like race, it doesn't matter. Like the family size is always kind of different. It's the one common thing.

Don't they think it's a kid at one point?

They suggest it, because it could be because... Yeah, there's no forced entry. It's seemingly that whoever committed these crimes knew the family or was familiar with them, because there wasn't any evidence saying there was a struggle or I guess maybe the struggle, but the forced entry was definitely one of them.

Do you think that her saying...
She theorized it was a kid.

Yeah, do you think that maybe that theory was a little foreshadowing of what it actually was?

I don't know, because I feel like it was her mom that they were letting in, at least later on. And then it was the doll. It was the doll, that's like the innocent one.

None was what they let in, but it was the doll that made them go crazy.

That's what, yeah. But the doll was a spinning image of the kid.

Yeah, and it was a gift from the church, quote unquote.

Yeah, so it tricked them. Yeah, witch church. She wasn't lying.

Pretty sinister idea, huh?

This mom, well, let's get there.

Pretty sinister idea of the old Longlegs to do this. Pretty sinister.

It's wild.

Hail Satan.

But we don't know this yet in the film where we're at. We only know that there's these families that killed. There's been 10 families over the course of 30 years.

And they always revolve around the daughter's birthday, who's turning nine on the 14th of that month. And it's always within six days. Her birthday is always on the 14th, and the killing always takes place within six days, either before or after, to cause the triangles that he's trying to represent to connect with Satan somehow.

But it's always that. It's always those numbers.

Have you ever tried to connect with Satan?

It's a numerology shit. There you go, you use triangles, you gotta use sixes, you gotta use nines, and I don't know what 14 exactly has to do with it, but it's there.

And knives and shotguns.

Knives and shotguns, baby. Hail Satan. And that's how they do it.

So what I did, again, another thing that happens right here is when it starts showing her process of going through things, I did the shots of her doing things alone. It almost painted all the blackness around her too, the darkness of the room she was in and everything like that. It's like, I feel like this girl was just always in her own little shared space with this demon or this entity.

She always kind of attached to this thing. And in thinking that, does that also mean that he wanted her to catch him in a way?

He almost set her up to catch him?

I was questioning that because I was wondering why then? And they never really go, at least as far as I could tell.

Like at that moment, you mean? Yeah, like why did he decide?

No, no, like where was he when they caught him? Because he essentially makes connection with her. Like he goes to her house and drops off a note.

Sends her the letter. Which is a terrifying scene. Which I want to talk about what happens in that scene.

Why does he disappear?

Let's go to that scene. She goes home, she's alone, in the middle of the night, a little smoke in the air.


Hold on, what were you just saying?

I was just saying, that's after she's doing all like the investigation, putting some pieces together. She's looking at some clues.

Oh, one thing we missed, though. Hold on, it counts for the end.

Her boss, her detective boss, makes her go visit his family.

And at the family, and when she visits the family, the daughter invites her to her birthday party. We have to talk about that, because that's a great platform.

That's a key set up moment.

That happens.

Yeah, after she does a lot of the digging, a lot of investigating, she kind of has like a meeting with her boss, he drinks, she doesn't.

He's like, yeah, I'm drunk, you got to drive me home.

And then you got to come in and meet my wife and kid. And she's super like, do I have to? This is where the tism comes in, because she doesn't even want to talk to these people.

She just sits there quietly.

That scene, you want to see my room? It was audible laughter in the, and then it was cutting to her sitting quietly, she just staring forward. That was good.

And that's another good comment about this. There was some good comic relief within the super tense movie.

There was.

There was like little random moments of levity, which were pretty well executed. Like that was just a quick little chuckle, but it kind of broke that awkwardness.

This is kind of a side note, but I heard an interview with Oswald, and he was saying that his brother scored it, scored the movie under a pseudonym, and he was talking about how his brother is hilarious and has a great comedic timing and how you can tell at certain points you're laughing, and a lot of times it's because of the score, the music. I thought that was interesting.

Oh, okay, interesting.

Yeah, because if you-It has a lot to do with it.

Someone made the great, I think it was Jordan Peele said, the only difference between comedy and horror is music, and I feel like that that's a really true statement, because horror and comedy framing is like, you're doing wacky things and making crazy things in frame no matter what you're doing, so if you score it a certain way, it could go either way, you know what I mean?

Have you seen that recut of the Mrs. Doubtfire trailer when they made horror?

Oh yeah, that's a good example.

Or The Shining, where they make it seem, The Shining one where they make it seem like a family film where three family members go on a vacation is amazing. It's like me and Jack down by the schoolyard. It's like them hanging out in the maze, running around and his dad smiling in the car and shit.

It's fucking great.

Music's everything, sounds everything. This one had a great sound. We didn't talk about this, but Maxine had a great sound.

Like fucking great sound.

Yeah, Maxine does. This one too. The score in this movie is good too.

I like the score. I thought it was pretty good.

And little things, even especially the scene we're about to go into is like, after she does that little awkward meetup with the Carter's family, she does go home. She calls her mom. She starts looking at her shit.

Then you start hearing the little creaky things in the house, pounding on the door. Just like that, that whole scene was pretty well put together.

Which, wait, time out again, by the way, this bitch doesn't have any fucking, she doesn't have any blinds on her fucking windows.

Her windows are literally like six feet tall and all wide open. I'm like, yo, you live in the middle of the woods?

That's crazy.

She's in the middle of the woods.

What's she in blinds can't see from the roads? No, first of all, definitely Longlegs.

When you live out in the woods like that, you don't want that. It's not as disgusting.

What? You want Longlegs to be able to see where you are in the house so he knows when you go outside and you sneak in?

Dude, come on in, dude. He's gonna come in. Longlegs gonna come in no matter what, like he does.

So we hear the pounding on the door. She hears a creak, she gets up, pounding on the door, she gets her gun, she hangs up with her mom. She's like, I gots to go.

Goes to the door. Does she open the door right away? I think so.

She fucking busts out.

No. No, she doesn't open it right away.

She sees someone in the...

She puts the lock on the door, the little chain. I was like, what the fuck is that gonna do? Then she walks back, and then she looks out the window and sees the shape of whoever in the outside.

And then, like a G fucking ran outside. I was like, Dan, this goes for real.

That was rad. She has no fear.


But when she looks back, she sees creepy-ass Longlegs scurrying through the house.

And then he disappears. What's up with him disappearing?

Inside the house.

But he disappears, like disappears into thin air.

Does he?

Yes, in that shy, he disappears into thin air. He does, does.

He just walks into the back of the house.

Yeah, you see him.

But he like disappears. It's crazy. It's creepy.

Yeah, you should. How much supernatural is going on in this movie?

Hidden? A lot.

And I didn't think it was a fucking supernatural movie till it was like the last like 20, 30 minutes.

But I think a lot of it is, you just find out in the end that a lot of it was.

Oh, like, well, I guess the dolls.

Some black magic shit going on, yeah.

The dolls were doing everything. It was the orbs and the dolls that were making everybody go crazy.

But yeah, who would have thought this was supernatural until we got to that? Like I did not expect supernatural.

The connection between her and him is amazing. I love that. The fact that she's connected to him and the mom did what she did.

I mean, that was cool. That was super cool.

Again, some shit we don't figure out, so it's like pretty much over.

Yeah, should we explain that all the way?

Yeah, go for it. Should we explain that or get there?

Let's get there.

Well, what else happens here that's kind of like cool before that then?

After this, they basically get a call. She finds that letter. The letter helps her decode all the shit.

Yeah, that teaches her how to read his language, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then so she starts decoding shit, and then she gets a call to go to another crime scene where they find another fucking family that was killed, but they were like sitting there for months. And then that was that gross maggot scene.

And then that's when she looks at the note, decodes it real quick, and he's just like, what the fuck is, what are you doing? How do you know this? She's like, I looked long enough.

And then from there, she's like, and I decoded all the other letters, they talk about X marks the spot at the camera barn or some shit. And then that's when they go to the barn, and that's when they find the doll. And then that kind of starts.

That's a great scene, too, where they pull out the seed with the doll is awesome. They go into the crazy barn, they go into the attic, and then the fucking cross is pulled into the ground. Any fucking gems open, and the dolls in there, that was crazy.

Windows with the light shooting in was amazing. All that was amazing.

The overhead shot of them doing it.

Pull the cross up.

And then this was probably the only main legit jump scare was the doll's eyes open. That was like, this movie is a good deal without having to have jump scares. It was just a fucking creepy atmosphere, but that one was there.

And then the next scene.

I mean, right there, there's a-

I think it was kind of hilarious with they had the doll in the morgue, like laid up like a dead body, and then they pulled the brain out, like they autopsied it. It was enhanced the creepiness of how, because the doll looked real, looks real to a certain extent. It's like-

Yeah, from behind you would think it's real.

Too real, yeah, creepy, creepy enough.

This one was like beat up because it was like buried in shit, but it was still like the face looked legit, looked very well made. The fucking autopsy guy had like a boner over the craftsmanship.

Yeah, he loved it.

Oh yeah, and the autopsy guy also says-Whoever did this was an artist.

The autopsy guy also said that he thought his wolf talking to him threw it too, which is kind of creepy.

That was something. I was like whispering my ex-wife's name.

Yeah, he was like, he was whispering my ex-wife's voice to me.

He's like, but that could have been. And then they pull the brain out. They see that the brain is just, he said it's hollow.

They said, there's nothing in there. Don't like, it's nothing of consequence. He just said, he basically said, and they were like, no, we should probably check it out.

I mean, they're cops, dude.

It's what they do.

They're nosy.

They cut open, they don't learn anything.

They're visiting the girl. Yeah, I don't learn anything from the doll, but this led to them going to the girl that the doll was eventually made after. And this girl was the only survivor from the Longlegs thing, like where her family got murdered, but she wasn't there, so she was able to get away.

But we also learned that she was comatose for years, and that she only woke up the day before, which was the day they opened the box. The doll was dug up, yep. So there was definitely a link between the girl and the doll somehow.

That was pretty wild.

It's like they woke her up. Which is what it's implying, for sure.

That's what it was. And then...

That's a big hint as to what's happening in the whole movie right there.

Yeah, definitely, definitely. And that was something I didn't really think about.

Yeah, that was cool as fuck. This is, like you said, Anthony, in the theater, I wasn't too impressed all the time, but when I went back and thought about it, when I started watching some other people's opinions on it, I was like, actually, you know what?


Yeah, like that was done really well. And all this and all that, cause I was hard against this movie when I first saw it. I hated it.

I was like, I didn't like that at all. I thought Nick Cage was really over the top in some of the scenes. I didn't like that.

I didn't like that. Didn't exactly give you the best ending of what it is, but it was all fine. But once I went back and started thinking, I was like, no, that was good.

Like that was really good. That was a good movie, like really cool movie.

It was done well for what it was. It was like, and have you heard like any kind of interviews with old Oswald?

I was good.

I was good. He just talks about how he liked fucking Silence of the Lambs and he liked these movies.

And Glamrock.

Yeah, he wanted to.

I'll read.

T-Rex, the fucking T-Rex quote in the beginning.

And he also said that the T-Rex quote, what did he say?

The movie opens up with a T-Rex quote from the band T-Rex. It's something about like-

Tender Sweet, Oh My Girl, something.

Something like the Hydra is around my girl. I don't know, something like that. Anyway, but that's a British glam rock band.

He said that the look of Nicolas Cage is supposed to be like a caked up glam rocker.

Yeah, I could see that. Great. And he invented, what I can't get over is that how many times do we get a new bad guy like this, you know?

Like we got Saw, we got the Clown, we got like that kind of clown figure.


Yeah, you got Jigsaw, even though that was just kind of a thing he used. Like this is like, I think this is Michael Myers caliber new baddie. I think we got a new baddie in our hands.

I can't wait for the Longlegs franchise to, I can't wait to see what the Longlegs franchise has to hold. That's what I'm thinking.

Jake, you agree it's going to be a franchise?

I didn't even think about it becoming a franchise, but I think it has that potential. Like I would love an Origins, I would love an earlier on.

Give it all to us, make the second one dumb as fuck.

Like him getting into it, the pre-murders, the first murder, you know, whatever.

They could go back and tell the story of all the murders if they really wanted to. I think there was 10 of them, right? Or 30 of them, whatever it was.

10 of them over 30 years. They could go back and do all of them.

With the prosthetics, it could be nicked. They could make a young fucked up person.

What's actually cool too is that with the prosthetics, it doesn't even have to be nicked. They can actually say that Longlegs can inhabit anybody and they just make themselves look like that.

You know what I mean?

That's kind of cool.

Yeah, because there was one other thing with the mother because he was saying that I was paying closer attention to the rambling he was saying before he killed himself in that interrogation room. I'm kind of jumping ahead here, but I'll just say this. He said something like, she was the seventh she.

So it's like, there was other ones doing this before her. It wasn't always just her. She wasn't like, because they were doing it before she got involved.

And he, I think so. And there were at least more little acolyte people, a little more helpers, but he was dropping the girl off when for Hart, for Lee, he wasn't having someone else do that.

He was actually the one dropping it off.

So that's kind of interesting.

Well, I think he used it as like, he got caught. So he couldn't do it.

He realized that no one's gonna take this doll from this fucking weird old weird person.

So he had to find a way to make it a thing. And that was the best way is to like have her do it. That's why he gave her the opportunity to stay with the girl.

That's what it was.

Do you think he went there with that intention?

Let's lay it down. Let's lay it down exactly what happened.

It was in the car. You could see it in the car. And he's like, I have a gift for you.

So he went with the intention of giving her a doll and making all that shit happen to her.

And making her in the family. They didn't. That was the one thing that kind of threw me off.

It was just her and the mom. And maybe he didn't realize that whole thing. But then he broke in later in the night.

And basically then they came to that agreement.

Oh, he broke in later? That was the whole thing? I thought the whole break-in was when he came in the first time.

I didn't realize he broke in later.

No, because there was a part earlier, they flashed to her at night holding the shotgun. She had that quilted sweater on. And it was nighttime and there's someone pulled up and she was getting ready for him to come in.

And then later it showed her meeting him and her being like, who are you? And blah, blah, blah. He's like, who are you?

I'm the man downstairs, blah, blah, blah.

The man downstairs, literally.

And then he came back later and he's like, we could have just had something, we could have been nice earlier, but now I have to do this, that whole thing. So it was like, yeah, it was later. It was later that night.

It was that night. Yeah, it was after all that, later that night.

I think he can't have it.

So let's lay it out.

He goes over, he says, listen, I'm not gonna do the dull thing with you, all right? What we need is a little understanding here. Look at me.

People ain't letting me into their birthday parties. Look at me.

More or less, yeah.

Ineed a knife.

She's like, I'll do whatever you want to help you.

And so she's doing-

Just don't kill my daughter, and I'll do whatever you want.

She's doing the Lord's work. She's doing whatever she can to save her daughter. She's not doing bad things.

She's doing terrible things.

She's doing it for her daughter. She's literally doing it to keep her daughter alive.

She's not doing it for bad reasons. She's doing terrible things. So the agreement is, you're gonna take, you're gonna, she takes the dolls.

So you're gonna take these dolls that I make. In your basement.

Oh, in your basement.

Number one, I gotta live in your basement, rent free or no deal.

Rent free or no deal. All right, kill your family right now.

Or I just live in your basement. Rule two.

And eat two solid meals a day.

And I need two solid meals a day. PB and J's are fine. What do you think he eats?


What does Longlegs Uber eats?

Rat goat sandwiches on rye.

This wasn't the 90s, there was no Uber Eats.

I'm just saying, like, what would he, if he was alive today, would he probably eat?

Pastrami sandwiches.

He must have been tossing down, like, PB and J's. Maybe some bologna sandwiches. He's like a bologna guy, I could see that.

I don't know.

I hated that whole daddy shit.

You think he's mayo or cool whip or miracle whip?

Oh, that's a good question. I think there's a slice of cheese on there, for sure. But...

It's like saguta. I don't think he, I think it's whatever they got.

You're more asking what is she?

Is she a miracle whip or is she a mayo girl?

You don't think he has a preference? How long has he been down there? I mean, 20 fucking years.

Miracle whip.

50 years, 100 years.

Now that I think about it.

How old is Clarice?

Miracle whip. Yeah, I think miracle whip. I think it was like almost 20 years.

I think it was like 75, and I think it was like 94 or something like that.

She's probably like 29 or 30.

So the argument...

I think it was supposed to be 20 years later.

Ilive in your basement. Don't ask me what I'm doing, but I'll tell you anyway, I'm making voodoo dolls. I'm making real nice, good-looking voodoo dolls.

They look like the kid they're going to. That's the gift. Tell them it's from the church.

You bring it to their doorstep. You put it inside. And then you gotta stay there and watch what happens.

And she's like, and then you won't kill my daughter. And he's like, no, I won't. And she was like, cool.

And so that's what happened. I didn't realize he lived in the basement. So she would bring these dolls in.

The dolls, the kid would open up the dolls, become weirdly attached in the next, within the next like how, I don't know, hour or so, the dad would become- It was pretty quick. Fully enraged by everything that's happening.

Eventually he's gonna go get a gun or a knife and kill his whole family and then kill. And that is how people, that's what was happening. That's how people, they let this nice old lady in that was saying she's from the church.

They didn't ask which church. That's why there's no forced entry.

That's why it was a murder-suicide.

Voodoo dolls. They'll save you.

Yeah, dude.

Yeah, basically that's what happened.

I know, I know, I know, Shorts has seen this movie. Have you seen Cure? Japanese film Cure?

Cure, no.

Cure. It's very good. It has a very similar, similar.


Oh, Cure.

Cure, sorry. I said it with a C-U-0 accent. Sorry about Detroit's coming out.


But no, it's this Japanese film that has a really weird, similar vibe where it's like, what's the equivalent to a Japanese FBI agent searching for these like weird murders, and they're like, there's kind of a similar situation where it's like people are murdering their loved ones, and they're like, they just are like, I don't remember doing it, but I remember.

Similar situation.

Ijust, I did it.

Was it Sane Who about the movie? Was it Witchcraft and Satan?

It was a weird, what's the, not telepathy, what's the thing, you trick people, they do it and get out, I'm blanking on the word.

American President.

It is, oh, it's the TikTok thing, like look at my thing. Oh, therapy.


Hypnosis, thank you. I don't know if I can remember that word.


It was basically a hypnosis thing where this guy who had a power to say the right words to you to make you kill someone you love.

It was like I came down to a hypnosis thing and it was this old ancient record that they found.

And they pissed their pants and they also murdered somebody.

But it's a dope fucking movie.

What's cool in the movie is every time someone, every time what happened to someone, like a cloud would come over them.

They'd be out somewhere and all of a sudden, there'd be a cloud.

And then one of the shots is a cop who goes to a new station with papers and shares newspapers and stuff.

And he goes and he's standing there, gets off his bike, he stops, and a cloud comes over. And then he walks in, gets paper, and comes out, shoots a guy, and then acts like it didn't happen. And the cloud goes away and he drives away.

And then he gets arrested. He's like, what do you mean? Well, I didn't do anything.

He's like, so they just took him over in that second and he shot the guy. It's crazy. It's pretty cool.

It's pretty fun. Cure, yeah.

I remember the clouds.

Yeah. It happened like three times.

Oh, I just remember it was dope, because almost- Yeah, all the scenes were shot in one wide.

Yeah, the death scenes.

It was very play-like. It was cool how they did it.

It's a really, really fucking good movie.

But it was just similar. The hypnosis had a very similar vibe of making the people kill the loved ones kind of thing. It was, and the detective looking for a serial killer that was mysterious, similarities.

It was that meets Silence of the Lambs. Meets a little bit of Seven.

Dude. Yeah, a little bit of Seven.

So wrap this one up then as far as story line goes.

Put a little bow on it. So somewhere before or right after we learn that Longlegs kills himself.

Well, yes. Yeah.

Pretty much.

Pretty boring way of saying it.

It's pretty great scene to be honest.

So let's get into it. We get to a point in the film where after they visit this other girl, the Carter guy, he kind of like, it's like, why do you know all of this stuff you know? Like he's getting a little suspicious of why Harkin knows all this stuff.

Carter? Yeah, Carter. Yeah, Carter seems to be a little...

So he looked into it and then he realized that Harkin's mother made a police report about an intruder on the day before Harkin's birthday when she was nine years old.

Yep, and she found the Polaroid.

And then, yeah, that goes on her visit.

Well, he was like, you gotta go talk to your mom about this.

That's when he goes talk to her.

You figure out what happened, who is this, like...

What does the mom say?

At that point, she doesn't really want to talk about it. Yeah, she goes forget about it. And implies like, everything I do, I do it for you.

Like, even everything you've ever left, all of your things are still here. Like, I do everything for you. Like, kind of like, really leaning into that.

And that's when you start realizing, that's when you start realizing that first scene we saw, that creepy first scene with the little girl. Was her. That was her, because she goes upstairs, and then we realize that's her same room.

And then she starts going through the box of photographs, and the box of photographs, we see that picture from the first scene of him leaning over. And so, and then quickly, they put a manhunt out, and they quickly find him, and seemingly quickly. I don't know, it might have been some time, but pretty quickly, there he was.

He was at Cigar Lounge.

That bus station scene was pretty wild, actually.

Chillin at the bus station, which was weird, because he has a car, it seems like he knew he was going to get caught, which is, there's a lot of mystical shit that seems convenient, almost, but in a way, it also seems like he could have been orchestrating all this. It just didn't really show that he was.

I think that human form of Longlegs is just one form of many, you know what I mean? I don't think Longlegs is getting caught and getting arrested. It's really gonna stop Longlegs.

I think Longlegs is a being, you know?

It's gonna do it somewhere else. That was more like an incarnation of one of these. Yeah.

It could have been. Like a puppet.

It's like, I'm gonna finish this last one. I'm gonna kill myself and let Longlegs move on to the next. Meat sack.


Yeah, cause there was something about, they only needed to fill in one number because originally there was a 13 missing and she was the 13 and now it was gonna be Carter's daughter was gonna be that the last number that originally was Harkin, which they missed because of the agreement that was set up with the mother that we learned about.

Now you guys talk about the daughter after. The daughter getting killed, the family, her boss's family. That was wild.

Sure, but let's get to the, once Longlegs is captured, essentially, the interrogation happens, there's a first day show, like a video of him just kind of being obsessive about Lee Harkin and singing her happy birthday because her birthday is coming up, we all know that.

For 27 minutes, he's saying happy birthday to her.

Yeah, so she eventually goes down to meet her and there's that ominous quote of like her, the other detective saying like, oh, she's right below you, he's right below your feet. And then she goes down to meet him. This was very reminiscent of the Dark Knight Joker.


In a little bit, that scene. Were pretty fucking, well, I mean, but Joker made a lot more sense than Longlegs, seemingly. Longlegs kind of went on this weird rant about.

I mean, he just wants to see the world burn too, but for Satan in hell.

For Satan, yeah. And kind of talking on like, telling Harkin that she's like special and that. Something about the mother without saying the mother helped her, but like, you know, you need to talk to your mother about all this because she was asking him about the accomplice.

And it's like, it was mostly just me and me and she. And it's like, who is she? And then she's like, she's the seventh.

She that's your mother. You need to talk to about that. And then he says, Hail Satan and smashes his fucking face in.

Yeah, he goes, Hail Satan. And then he slams his face into the metal table. And then he slams his face into the metal table.

And then he slams it again. Oh, boy.

I was pretty surprised by that, not going to lie. Not that it was like graphic or anything, really, but it was just, I didn't expect that to happen. I can just keep doing that.

Like, I don't like, I'm not sure if a person could actually do that to them, like can actually kill themselves that way.


Oh, no, he did.

I don't know if they'd have like the force to like go back.

Cage was so method that he, he actually, that was real. He slammed his face into the ground. And the director was like, don't stop rolling.

And they were like, what do we do? He's going to kill himself.

And they're like, he's, that's what Cage does.

He's in character.

It's what he, he's the best in the world.

You know how many bees he got stung by?

Just call the medic idiot. How many bees?

Yeah, you know, it's another bee movie, different movie. Where he yells about bees. Remember that movie?

He's like bees.

I remember the one where he had a pig.

That was a good one. That was maybe his best one.

Slams his face into it.

Best work, pig. Pig cage, best work.

Speaking of fucked up face things, going back to Maxine at the very end, when she blows her dad's head off.

Yeah, I'm sick.

Pretty good head explosion.

Spoiler. Pretty great explosion.

Super, super random Maxine spoiler. Fresh, super.

Where she blows her dad's head off.

Random Maxine spoiler.

The antagonist of the entire franchise.

We gotta write spoiler alert for Maxine too, this one.

Yeah, randomly at the end.

I'm not editing that out.

Ruin Maxine's life.

So what, so that's it, right? That's what happens.

Yeah, then they go, well, they still realize they need to talk to the mother because there's a clear connection with the mother.

What's awesome at this point in this movie that a lot of movies don't, or that some movies do great is that they kill seemingly the main antagonist and yet something else is done. We've got him in jail, but there's been another murder. I shot him in the face, oh, but there's been another murder, whatever.

So the fact that we know that fucking Longlegs is dead in the movie Longlegs, but there's still Dredd out there. He's dead, but there's no Dredd. Sorry, hit me.

About a half hour left, 20 minutes or so left at this point. And you know this, but yeah, I was surprised.

This movie is so new, there was no run pee for it. I was like looking at it, I was like, I got a pee so bad. And it was like, this will be updated on the 12th.

Fuck, I don't even remember where.

I was at that point too, and it was too good to fucking run pee.

Oh, I ran and peed.

I think I ran, maybe I ran pee one time. I think I ran to pee when she was driving from the office to her mom's house the first time. So I'm like, okay, it's just gonna be a scene in her in the car.

That was my thought. And I think I ran and did it, and then I came back.

Shout out, run pee. Shout out to dude that does run pee.

It was hard to leave to because it was such a very tense movie. It had me, it was gripping to me at least. You guys didn't seem like you liked it as much the first time, but I liked this.

I mean, I was never bored by it, but for sure, as I was watching it, I was thinking, I'm not sure this is my favorite movie.

Not enough cage?

There was not a lot of cage. l imagine cage was not on set very well. It was just enough.

It was just enough cage. It was like Buffalo Bill, you know, it was just enough Buffalo Bill. We didn't see him all the time.

We just saw him every now and then, and whenever we did, it was like, ugh.

I think that's the new quote for the T-shirt. Cage, just did cage, you know? It's like Buffalo Bill, just Buffalo Bill.


It was just, there was the perfect amount of cage. It's better, this is a lot of things that I do, though, for funny things. I was just talking about, talking to you guys.

I don't think fucking a lot of things are funny when I'm watching them. It's upon review, especially with other people. And it's like, oh, what about this part?

I'm just like, ah, fuck, that shit was hilarious, actually. And they're like, what about this part? And I'm like, oh, that was really funny, too.

I'm like, it sounds like you thought it was fucking funny. That happens to me all the time. So it's, you know, you're just a hater, I got, um, huh?

Yeah, maybe right off the bat, right off the bat.

It's just like, you know what? This could be funny, but right now I don't think so.

No, it's not even that. It's just like, while I'm watching it, specifically when it comes to funny, it's, I think you should leave.

Cause when I'm watching it, I'm like, this is the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life.

I don't think it's funny at all. And then like, you know, maybe after a little bit, a couple, maybe another watch, or like just talking to it with Jake, it was just like, I mean, that's pretty funny.

There's some really funny fucking stupid shit in there.

When you can't open the door, it's like, when I'm watching it, it's like, it's stupid.

The absurdity is hilarious.

Yeah, there's a, there's, I don't know. Maybe it's a devolution of some sort. Maybe it's, I've run out of things to laugh at, and it's just like, all right, let's try this again.

Maybe it's kind of that.


Because there's like videos on YouTube.

I'll be scrolling.

I'm like, I don't want to watch this video. And then like after I'm out of videos to watch, I was like, oh wow, I'm fucking Mark Maron now.

All right, so what do you guys give this movie as far as a rating?

We're not done.

Why did you jump into the jump, man?

We were done.

You guys keep talking about fucking other things.

Nah, we're talking about Longlegs. Longlegs is dead, but there's still more dread

Longlegs is dead. And there's some weird shit going on with the mom, clearly. She's obviously seen this guy, but as they get suspicious, we don't know yet.

So they go talk to mom again while...

Because they need to figure out who the 13th woman is, she.

You're right. 17th. The seventh she.

You think the fourth...

Also, just like what's going on with her. Maybe. Mind blown.

They legs.

But would it be a... Well, because it's the seventh she, it wouldn't be the eighth they, I guess. It would be the first they?

Or even if it was a he, would it be the first he?

First they.

Or maybe there's more he's before.

We don't know if there's been more. We don't know if there's been they or he's before. Exactly.

Maybe it is the seventh. Maybe it is like the 14th they.

Let's get that fucking Origin movie.

Yeah, I want to see them.

Find out more.

Pronouns, bitch.

Yeah, dude. So I guess we already went over what we know about the mother, but there was the kind of crazy scene of Harkin going inside and then hearing a gunshot and realizing her mother killed one of her partner or co-worker and goes around and fucking double taps her with a shotgun.

Yeah, that was wild.

And then that leads to the mother going to the backyard and then blowing the head off of the doll version of Harkin, which causes...

And you actually see the thing coming out of the head, like the mist, the dust, the evil fucking... Yeah, that's when you're like, oh, damn, it is magical. It is fucking supernatural.

And that makes Harkin pass out for some fucking reason. And then she wakes up in basically fucking Longlegs' lair, which is creepy. And then goes out, finds a car, which happens to be Longlegs' car.

She realizes what's going on. She actually gets a fucking weird phone call, like a demonetized sounding voice, saying that she wakes up to the phone ringing. It's like, Ruby's birthday.


She hangs up, she's like, oh, shit, a weird phone call.

Who the fuck is Ruby?

I gotta go fuck it. I forgot about the birthday. I said I was just told her I was gonna make it.

I gotta go. So she goes. Goes to the birthday party.

Who called?

Guess who's already there?


Oh, Satan, dude. Longlegs was dead, but Satan's still alive in our hearts.

Longlegs is Satan, man. That's just another name.

Ilike that idea.

That's the truth.

It's almost like being in different forms.

Just get on with it.

I heard a review of this movie said that it was written and directed by Satan.

Oh, shit.

Oh, I mean, there was a Satan. It was fucking. What do you think about that, guys?

Guys, honestly, what do you think about the Satan shit? And I wasn't expecting Satan to come out of nowhere when he goes, Hail, Satan slams his face into the table. I guess that was hilarious.

And then it was hilarious.

I was sitting in a handicap seat, so Thad to keep it down, actually.

No, you got to get louder, so they think you're handicapped. Can that kind of handicap sit in those seats? You randomly get a check of cards.

Exactly. You're fine. And then if they check, you just do a little, you know, tizm.

Throw a little tiz, and then...

I like the movies.

We'll leave them alone. We'll leave them alone. Just start naming actors rapidly.

Yeah, look at the time code real quick.

Are we leaning too hard to make it fun?

Kidding the single actor right now.

So this is where the mom... Oh, they go to Ruby's birthday.

And then she quickly realizes, oh, fuck, my mom's here. Ruby's all like all about this doll that looks like her. Clearly the Satan doll.

I think she knows her mom's the mom at this point, because at a certain point, she tells her partner, she's like, my mom's the accomplice.

Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, she figures out clearly when she fucking kills the other detective and...

She knows when she... Oh, yeah.

Because she sees her kills the fucking detective when she goes to the house first. I think they're already kind of suspecting shit.

But yeah, now she's at the birthday, mom's already there, the fucking creepy ass doll's out, kid Ruby's hugging.

Carter goes crazy. Carter's all pissed. He's like, fuck you, bitch.

Ithought his anger was pretty funny. Just sounded like kind of an angry dad.

He's like, no shit, l gotta cut the fucking cake, bitch.

He goes, I gotta go cut the cake with a big ass knife. You want to come with me? And she's like, yeah, sure.

So was the mom kind of under a spell too? Or was she just kind of... Everyone was under a spell.

Yeah, the whole family was under a spell at this point. So right before this is where the mom explains everything from beginning to end.

Yeah, that's pretty much when she blows up the doll's head and then Harkin passes out. That's kind of that little voiceover montage situation of her explaining what happened.

I think the most fucked up part is...

Which I thought that part was a little...

She has to watch. She can't just go in, drop the doll off and bounce. That's kind of what I thought was happening, but no, she then she's like, and then I have to sit there and make sure everything happens the way it should.

And then I gotta go. She's covered in blood every time. And then at a certain point she just gets into it.

Was she always a Satanist?

No, she seemed like she was religious, and then she just kind of was a little fucked up. And then I think she just got more fucked up as this whole thing going. Yeah, and then she even says, hell Satan at the end.

So she's definitely a Satanist.

I feel like she's into it by the time we catch up to this.

I think so. But it's weird because she tells Lee to say her prayers and stuff. She's like, it'll help.

And then she realizes, oh, it doesn't actually help.

And then while she says, she says, right. It don't. So she helps Satan kill people.

She helps Satan kill people to save her daughter. And then the daughter kills everybody.

And Satan kills people through Longlegs, who makes enchanted dolls that make the family crazy. Yep.

Didn't expect some weird mood to tell shit.

I can't.

Fun movie. Good time.

It's when it wrapped up, I was happier than when I was watching it. And then like we kept saying, I think I love it.

It's like a tool album. So do you think, because they left it a little weird, because she couldn't pull the trigger to blow up the doll.

Well, they were out of bullets.

I don't know if she's out of bullets. It seemed like she was kind of like frozen up. And then she's like, let's go.

She seemed like she was kind of like under a weird.

What are you talking about?

Lay it out. She seemed like she wasn't fully. It didn't seem like, I guess she was out of bullets, but just the way to shoot the ruby doll had like a weird like trance vibe to her.

Yeah, to shoot the ruby doll.

It didn't seem like you're saying she couldn't kill it. That's what happened. I can't remember.

I kind of feel like she couldn't kill it. And then they just like left it And then it cut back to Longlegs again for some reason, even though they're supposed to be dead.

Anthony's the hell Satan again.

I'm pretty sure she was out of bullets, but maybe I'm wrong.

I think there was like felt like there was a little bit more to it.

I feel like she clicked the gun.

Yeah, me too. I think she clicked it like twice.

I don't know. If you look, if you looked a little closer, it felt like she almost could have had like, like the troll could still kind of been there. Daughter doesn't die.

The daughter is just there. It's kind of like also fucked up and also kind of in a trance.

Super fucked up. When she.

Let's go. Like, let's get out of here. But then they never show actually.

They just show her pulling the gun up, clicking it doesn't work.

And then they cut.

Yeah, basically, like, let's go.

So she turns around, the daughter kills her immediately. That's how the second one starts.

Now the daughter kills the daughter. Come on. Maybe she becomes long.

Maybe she becomes the next Longlegs. She becomes the next she. That daughter is the she.

And then she fights BB kiddo.

Whoa. Crossover.


What do you get? What do you think? That's it?

Pretty good.

Iliked it.

Yeah, it's a pretty good movie.

Ozzy Osbourne. He did it. It's a good one.

He liked it.

It's a good one.

Creep me out. It creeped me out.

What do you rate it? 1 to 10. Where do you want to go?

What are you going to do?

Do you think?

What did you say, Jake?

Is that what you think? What?

Scale 1 to 10? I'm going to go solid. 6.9

I really, really like the idea a lot. I think it's a cool idea. I think that it was executed in a very particular way that was very cool, very cinematic.

I enjoyed it a lot. Is it personally the way I would have done it?


It's not really my aesthetic per se, but I did enjoy it a lot. And then, like, when I think about it, I enjoy it more, and I think I need to watch it again. And I really liked it.

It was good.

Yeah, I'll give it something like that.

I'll just give it an 8. I was thinking a high 7, but I'm liking it more than I thought it was something. Solid 8.

Market 8, dude.

I'm going to give it, since we still haven't nailed down a way of, a cohesive way of rating, I'm going to give it a B+. Two stars.

Two stars?

Yeah, B+, two stars. That's how we do it.

Alright, whatever.

Things are making me watch movies.

We'll make you watch it again later.

We gotta figure out something to say at the end of this.

Watch it.

Yeah, yeah.

Watch it. I don't know. Watch it.

I thought the music just fades out.